Sunday, January 17, 2010

Virtual World Power Plant Training and Orientation

We were awarded a $5.1 MM WIRED Grant from the US Dept. of Labor to promote interactive digital technology in Appalachian Ohio. The three state universities in the region have 700 students enrolled in animation and game development degree programs.

WIRED Island One in second (htpp:// was designated as our demonstration island. We built more than twenty demonstration experiences there from the F-35 fighter to an underwater park. The FVWC entry is an exciting animated, interactive classroom demonstrating the potential for virtual worlds as training/orientation and public relations sites for major industries.

Walk through and experience our 100’ x 60’ ( scaled from 1.5 sq. mi.) virtual model of America’s second largest coal-fired power station. Experience the huge, fully animated, cut-away schematic of a power plant with it’s huge firey boilers, steam turbines and it’s attached power grid complete from the plant to the consumer.

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